
Showing posts from January, 2024

Communicating Cubs

Communication is a tricky thing. And we want our Cubs to be great at it.  Out in the dark with no phone, no problem. Put you morse code skills to the test and you get get your message across! See our Cubs in action below.  Practicing morse code skills Communicating your drawing by words alone. It's harder than it looks! Practicing making emergency phone calls.  

Cubs leadership Event

The 1EN Sixers and Seconders are a pretty special bunch. And to make them even better leaders we they joined us for a special day's training covering trust, communication and teamwork.  Well done to everyone who took part, one of you will be prime minister soon! The day started with a warm up and a jog around the park. Getting to know you games. Trusting others The brave leading the blind Making lunch Enjoying lunch Washing up Team challenge! Hot chocolate break Presenting best camp ideas Cleaning up in the hall Well done to everyone who took part!