
Cubs make sweet music

The HQ was alive with the sound of music this week as the St Ben's Cubs brought in their musical instruments and performed to the group. We had violins, keyboards, guitars, recorders and even a steel tongue drum and a melodica. St Benedict's Cubs really are a very talented bunch indeed! Thanks so to all the Cubs for their performances, and to all the leaders and helpers.

Pancake Wednesday

Hot on the heels of Shrove Tuesday, Walpole Scouts enjoyed Pancake Wednesday. Combining pancake races, a pancake quiz, pancake making and of course pancake eating. It was flipping good fun!

Taplow to Burnham Day Hike

On the first day of Spring, an intrepid bunch of Scouts from both Troops headed into the countryside west of Ealing. One group walked 10 miles Taplow to Burnham while the other walked in the reverse direction. The sun shone but there was plenty of mud about. Great practice for navigation skills and a chance to see the local wildlife. 

Mastering Morse Code

At this week's scout meeting, we delved into the fascinating world of Morse code. The patrols translated various codes to find challenges and messages that were based on key scouting skills. We all had fun in Morse code, decoding secret messages and putting our skills to the test in creative ways. See you next time, and keep practicing your Morse code! …- . .-.. --- -.-. -.-

1st Ealing North Scouts meet 75th Kowloon Scouts

Scouting is a worldwide movement with young people taking p art in 174 countries. To experience that, a few visiting members from 1 st Ealing North took time out from their holiday to visit 75 th Kowloon Scouts, based in Hong Kong. 1EN Leaders, Lior and Iris, together with Explorer Scouts, Timothy, Dorothy and Kai were warmly welcomed in. A big thank you to Antonio, Boris and the entire 75 th Kowloon team for their hospitality. It was a wonderful, life-affirming experience. Exchanging skills with Scouts: how to roll your scarf.   Hong Kong Cubs and their badges   A wonderful welcome from everyone      Exchanging badges Cubs working on their Collector's badge Flag break