Covid update

As you are all aware COVID restrictions are being eased and following advice and guidance from the
Scout Association, 1st Ealing North, along with many other Scout Groups across the country,
are planning to return to face-to-face meetings after the Easter break.   

This is great news, as we know that many of our young members have been missing the fun and adventure
that Scouting brings.   

Your section leader will be in touch ahead of any face-to-face meeting with detailed instructions.

Whilst camping is not be an option for us yet, we will keep you informed if this changes.

Help us to keep the Group safe by:

• Following the drop-off and pick-up procedures, which are on our Spring Newsletter
• Supporting the parent rota
• Wearing a face mask
• Please do not congregating in groups around HQ
• Staying away, from the Group, if anyone in your family is displaying symptoms
• Reporting any positive cases to your section Leader or by email ( ).

Lior Duby, Tim Gebbels
Group Scout Leaders 
On behalf of the 1st Ealing North Team 

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