
Showing posts from February, 2022

District Cross Country Success

The group had an excellent day at the Ealing & Hanwell District cross country run at Churchfields recreation ground in Hanwell. It was the perfect day for a run - sunny with blue skies and there was a strong turnout from groups across the district. Beavers went first with a lap of the recreation ground. 1EN had a strong turnout from its colony and a stellar performance which helped the team to come in first place! They were followed by Cubs who put in a fabulous effort and came in third place: In the Scouts under 12 category we also had a convincing performance with the team coming in second place: And finally, to top of an outstanding afternoon for 1EN's runners, our very own Group Scout Leader/Akela came in second place in the Open category:

Drumming for peace

We continued progress on the international badge by making a djembe drum. This also incorporated elements of the musician, skills and creative badges too! The drum is originally from West Africa and means "everyone gather together in peace" in the Bambara language.  The Cubs made their drums from containers and a plastic bag and added a pattern around the sides of the drum with wool: And then they banged their drums in unison!:

Cubs make contact in Africa

Our Cubs have been learning that the Scout family extends around the world. Our Cubs have written to letters to Cape Maclear Scout Troop in Malawi and 1st Milnerton Sea Scout Group in Cape Town, South Africa. You can see a sample of the response from our fiends in Malawi below.  Cubs writing letters to Malawi and South Africa Making the Scout world badge from natural materials  Trying a reef knot (as seen in the Scouts badge) from strawberry laces Some of the responses received from Malawi

6er/2er Leadership Session For Cubs

Sixers and Seconders from both packs came together to participate in a session focussed on developing their leadership skills. Cubs were split into three groups for the day, each one named after an outstanding leader. The groups were Malala, Thunberg and Parks and were named after Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thungberg and Rosa Park. After a warm up and introductions game, we began with a trust building session. Cubs had to help their teammates navigate an obstacle course blindfolded and in silence. They then had to help their blindfolded teammates move a set of objects across the hall, again in silence: Cubs then had to prepare a sandwich lunch and follow basic food hygiene and safety guidance when using knives: There was lots of cleaning up to do, but the Cubs worked in teams to wash the dishes and clear the hall The afternoon session focused on communication. Cubs had to throw a variety of objects around every member in group but without it being passed to the person next to them. Cubs r...

A Worldwide Family

Cubs discovered the worldwide reach of the Scouting movement and exercised different parts of their mind and body in the process today.  They began with a chopstick relay race where they retrieved information on China's traditions and culture around food.  This was followed by Cubs talking about where they and their families are from (far and wide as it turns out!), learning more about the World Membership Badge and creating their own and writing letters and drawing pictures for our new penpals at the 1st Milnerton Sea Scout Group, Cape Town, South Africa and the Cape Maclear Scout Troop in Malawi.