6er/2er Leadership Session For Cubs

Sixers and Seconders from both packs came together to participate in a session focussed on developing their leadership skills.

Cubs were split into three groups for the day, each one named after an outstanding leader. The groups were Malala, Thunberg and Parks and were named after Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thungberg and Rosa Park.

After a warm up and introductions game, we began with a trust building session. Cubs had to help their teammates navigate an obstacle course blindfolded and in silence.

They then had to help their blindfolded teammates move a set of objects across the hall, again in silence:

Cubs then had to prepare a sandwich lunch and follow basic food hygiene and safety guidance when using knives:

There was lots of cleaning up to do, but the Cubs worked in teams to wash the dishes and clear the hall

The afternoon session focused on communication. Cubs had to throw a variety of objects around every member in group but without it being passed to the person next to them. Cubs realised by talking to each other about how best to achieve their goal, they could pass more items:

The last session was to practice planning with a Dragon's Den-style  task to plan the best camp ever and present it to the group. Cubs had to devise a theme, plan the entire weekend, prepare a menu and budget. And submit themselves to the questions of the Dragon-Leaders as well as their fellow Cubs:

With such a packed day, the Cubs needed to let off a bit of steam with a game of Helicopter followed by Cones:

All that remained was to congratulate Cubs for their hard work:

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