Sleepover on the Golden Hinde

Our unusual and exciting finale to the end of term was a sleepover on the Golden Hinde, the first English ship to sail around the world in the 16th century. Cubs took the train across London En route to the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich Cubs revelled in the snow outside and immersed themselves in the exhibits. It was a rather brief visit as we were due at the Golden Hinde where the Cubs donned Tudor garb and the crew began to immerse them in Tudor life: There were sessions on the barber-surgeons of the 16th century and a hands-on experience of the gruesome tools of their trade; life as a 'powder monkey' on the gun deck of the ship, preparing and firing cannons; and, navigating the high seas using cutting-edge tools of the day. It was hungry work going through all the activities, so it was a good job we had a hearty stew to fill our bellies, served on traditional implements: For a grand finale after dinner, the Cubs got to practice their swordsmanship skills on deck: A...