1EN Group Spring Camp 2024 - Cubs
All 1EN sections got together again for a one-night group camp at Walter Davies Scout Camp. We began with our usual flag breaking ceremony to open the camp, but this time it was slightly different... Our Walpole and Pitshanger Scout troops were presented with new flags and the old flag was formally retired Cubs and Beavers were given a safety briefing of dos and do nots while on camp Once tents had been erected and bags put away, there was time for a quick game of hide and seek and Sardines (hide and seek in reverse!) in the woods After lunch, Cubs took part in an Olympic-style sports day with lots of team activities They then had an upper body workout with some bouldering A spot of air rifle shooting And a sensory workout with a blind trail With so many activities and a long day behind them, everyone was grateful for a delicious spag bol made by our excellent kitchen team The washing up was done by moonlight As temperatures dropped, everyone gathered around the campfire for songs an...