Camporee 2024

 Our annual district Cub Scout camp, known as Camporee, was Christmas-themed this year...

Walter Davies Campsite was decorated like it was the middle of December:

With Mariah Carey and Slade on constant loop (yes, it's as annoying in July as it is in December)

During the hottest week of the year so far, Cubs got stuck into a variety of adventurous and seasonal activities:

Cubs had time to get to familiarise themselves with friends and new faces from other packs

Followed by a bit of laser tag

And decorating 'sleighs'... deliver presents to a Christmas tree, some not delivered

Others a bit closer

And a bit more chat

A spot of archery

And some tasty camp food to give them plenty of energy

And more food!

Followed by chores

After a good night's rest, Cubs had a go at some backwoods cooking, learning how to collect the right material, light a fire and cook some tasty treats

And how to light a fire using a flint and steel

There was also some drama practice for the campfire later that evening involving custard pies

And as the temperature rose, Frosty found it too much

And the Cubs cooled off

Both groups came together for a day of activities which included Nerf battles

Basketball and foot-darts

Bubble football

Inflatable races 

And relay races

Plus Drag-a-Cub-in-a-sack races

Followed by a full Christmas dinner, complete with a tree and crackers

Followed by Christmas carols and a pantomime where Cinderella ate a piece of poisoned pizza

And a visit by the Big Man, who handed out presents

A disco

And the inevitable conga

After all the fun and games, it was time for a final farewell

Thank you to all the leaders who helped organise a fantastic camp. We hope you have a good rest over the summer.

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