Australia night

We were very pleased to welcome Steve and Sam from 7th Cheltenham Scout Group, who were visiting the UK from Melbourne, Australia. Their visit was the perfect climax to our work on the international activity badge.

In honour of their visit, both packs met together. We presented our neckers to Steve and Sam to welcome them to our group. Sam showed a video he'd made which explained more about Scouting in Australia. The Cubs shared their experiences of different activities. Unsurprisingly, camping was very popular!

We then moved outside to exercise our vocal chords with a campfire singalong

Including 1EN classics such as 'Hello Joe'

The evening was also special as we had many new Cubs to invest.  Our international visitors welcomed the new Cubs by presenting them with their World Membership Badge, which is worn by all members of the Scouting movement around the world.

The evening ended with the presentation of group badges to Steve and Sam and the knowledge that we are a part of a truly global movement. 

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